Archive for ‘Taxes’

November 3, 2012

What if?

Muir Boda – Libertarian Candidate for Congress in Maryland’s 1st District

What if Congress was bought and sold by corporate interests?

What if tax loopholes and regulatory exemptions were bought and sold in the halls of Congress?

What if both major political parties have become so ineffective at addressing the issues of the day?

What if the Constitution was actually designed to restrict Government but we continue to elect people to Congress and the Presidency who ignore it?

What if our use of Drones kill more civilians than terrorists and creates more enemies for America?

What if Peace is cheaper than war? What if we had leaders that listened to and adhered to the guidance of our founders such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

What if we elected people to Congress who actually believe our Government should be constrained inside the Constitution? What if those choices are actually on the ballot?

What if the private sector was freed from government regulations and an oppressive tax system? What if that actually created tens of millions of new jobs and made our manufacturing sector competitive with the rest of the world?

What if the 1st District of Maryland had someone else other than Andy Harris representing them in Congress who supports Civil Liberties? What if we had a Congressman that would have vehemently opposed the Patriot Act, The National Defense Authorization Act, CISPA and was not on the hook to special interest for hundreds of thousands of dollars?

What if that person was actually on the ballot? Well, I am.

Muir Boda

Libertarian for Congress

Maryland’s 1st District

May 14, 2012

True Economic Recovery

Have we reached this point?

Many experts, economists and government officials have been throwing around different philosophies and opinions on how the government can bring about economic recovery. The basic truth of their proposals and opinions goes to show they have no experience or any idea about reality.

The simple fact is that Government is the biggest problem. Government regulations, government waste and fraud and the heavy burden of taxes on our citizens and businesses is the problem. Out of control government spending has brought us to the point of ridiculous taxes and regulations that have nearly destroyed American ingenuity and creativity.

First, it is so difficult to start a business in America anymore. There are so many regulations to comply with that it is difficult for small business to get a fair shot.

Second, many manufacturers are going overseas to countries that are welcoming them and the jobs they bring. It is simply better to do business elsewhere because those countries have created an environment conducive to business and growth.

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